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sâmbătă, 30 iulie 2011

Monitorul de Suceava nu este responsabil juridic pentru conţinutul textelor de mai jos. Responsabilitatea pentru mesajele dumneavoastra vă revine în exclusivitate.

1.   Comentariu trimis de
(30 iul 2011, 16:51:07
Continuare a mesajului. In prima parte mi-am sters numele. Nu fiti naivi fratilor , atentie .

Step 1

Find a Western Union agent using Find agent.

Step 2

Visit the Western Union agent, taking some personal identification* with you.

Step 3

Complete a simple .send. form and hand this to the Western Union agent along with the money you want to send and the transfer fee..

The payment must be sent to U.S. embassy agent address in United Kingdom:

John Martin
24 Grosvenor Square
London, W1A 2LQ
United Kingdom

Step 4

You will be given a reference number(MTCN).

Step 5

Confirm the payment via email as following :
- Email copy/scan of the Western Union receipt to
- Email at with the following details (you can find them on the money transfer receipt):

1) Money Transfer Control Number (MTCN):
2) Exact sender's name on file with Western Union:
3) Exact sender's address on file with Western Union:
4) Amount sent:

Then wait for the confirmation that the payment was received. Within 72 hours, you will receive a confirmation via email along with the exact date and time of the final interview at the U.S Consulate. Upon successful completion of the interviewing process you will receive the documents and travel information to move in the United States.

Please note : The payment must be sent before Aug 04, 2011. Failure to send the payment confirmation on time will void your rights as DV winner

We hope that this information will be helpful to you.
United States Department of State
2.   Comentariu trimis de
(30 iul 2011, 16:54:05
U.S. Department of State sent this message to N..(
Your registered name is included to show this message originated from U.S. Department of State.
Dear.... ,

Thank you for your email inquiry concerning the Diversity Visa Lottery Program. We confirm again that you are a winner of the Diversity Visa Lottery(also known as Green Card). The congressionally mandated Diversity Immigrant Visa Program is administered on an annual basis by the Department of State and conducted under the terms of Section 203(c) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA). Section 131 of the Immigration Act of 1990 (Pub. L. 101-649) amended INA 203 and provides for a class of immigrants known as .diversity immigrants.. Section 203(c) of the INA provides a maximum of 55,000 Diversity Visas (DV) each fiscal year to be made available to persons from countries with low rates of immigration to the United States.

In order to process your visa you must pay the fees connected with immigration to the U.S.

Who conducts this program? American Government is conducting this program every year to maintain the diversity of its people.
The visa processing fee is US$ 819 or equivalent local currency. If you want to take with you any family member you must pay an additional of US$ 819 for each one. Once the payment confirmation is received you will be contacted by the U.S Consulate which will provide you the Case Number/Confirmation Number and schedule a final interview. The scope of interview is to provide you the documents required to travel in the United States and answer to any question that you may have. The visa is guaranteed upon receiving the payment and it won't be affected by the interview.

Sending the payment is fast and easy with over 380,000 participating Agent locations worldwide. You'll find a Western Union agent at places such as banks, postal office and even supermarkets, check cashers and convenience stores.
3.   Re trimis de
(30 iul 2011, 16:57:40
If you are unable to find a Western Union agency you may ask a friend or relative to send the payment on your behalf.

The payment must be sent to the U.S. embassy agent address in United Kingdom because the U.S. Department of State decided this based on its policy and relations with your country.

Follow these 5 simple steps to send the payment :

Acesta este mesajul primit pe adresa mea de mail si nu unul si doua am primit dar ii las sa-si faca treaba , sa caute alti naivi si nu pe mine .
Mi-am sters numele si adresa mea de mail , pentru-ca nu vreau sa ma dau in spectacol dar va cer sa fiti cu ochii in 4 .
4.   Pt tuneup82 trimis de
(30 iul 2011, 21:23:59
dar tu crezi k are cineva nevoie de unul ca tine?dute si spalate pe dinti ca ......
4.1  RE: Pt tuneup82 trimis de
(31 iul 2011, 00:35:32
"k" ?! Ba, te rog executa: insert boot cd/Press any key for boot/select C:/ format. Apoi apasa shut down si gata.
5.   Pt SIRJERKALOT si VOIEVODUL trimis de
(31 iul 2011, 12:32:20
Doi pupinkuristi , fraieri cocliti . Cu ce am deranjat ? spalate tu pe dinti ca-ti pute gura a borhot , coclitule , apoi celalalt poate da shut down , doi .........mi-e sila sa va caracterizez . Ba sa-i spui la .....sti tu cui
5.1  RE: Pt SIRJERKALOT si VOIEVODUL trimis de
(31 iul 2011, 19:47:28
vezi ca ai luat-o pe aratura. eu l-am criticat pe voievodu ca te-a cenzurat aiurea si am scos in evidenta faptul ca scrie cu "k", ca un analfabet..greu.
5.2  RE: Pt SIRJERKALOT si VOIEVODUL trimis de
(31 iul 2011, 19:52:12
ooh..dar stai: observ ca si tu esti violator in serie de limba romana. in cazul asta, da-ti si tu format la C: laughingstai: observ ca si tu esti violator in serie de limba romana. in cazul asta, da-ti si tu format la C: laughing
5.3  RE: Pt SIRJERKALOT si VOIEVODUL trimis de
(31 iul 2011, 21:38:01
6.   Pt tuneup82 trimis de
(31 iul 2011, 12:55:56
7.   Pt voievodul trimis de
(31 iul 2011, 21:41:33
fraiere ! eu am apa suficienta cat sa te speli si tu ca iti put si picioarele deja , hai spalate si nu te mai sparge in figuri ca nu-ti sta. ti-as mai scrie ceva dar nu mai suport mirosul , duhnesti ca un dihor , spalate si mai vorbim

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