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luni, 10 noiembrie 2008

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1.   Cam ciudat trimis de
(11 nov 2008, 01:27:19
pai da cam ciudat acum 9 ide zile ca am vazut acest model adica MB M6.3 AMG parcat linga mine

e destul de frumos dar a punet stirea asta 9 luni ma tarziu. ...poate c e vremea sa-l lanseze in Romania dar in altetari e lansat de mult timp. ...
2.   ML 63 AMG trimis de
(11 nov 2008, 09:07:28
Salutare. Nu ne indoim ca ai vazut un ML 63 AMG, insa ne indoim ca ai vazut exact modelul din imagine. Daca ai citit cu atentie articolul este vorba de o editie jubiliara "10th Anniversary" care abia in vara anului viitor va fi lansata. Deci nu de ML 63 AMG, modelul obisnuit, e vorba in propozitie. E destul de neplacut sa stii ca unii cititori isi dau cu presupusul, aruncand vorbe si idei aiurea. Te informam ca ML 63 AMG este in vanzare in Romania de o buna bucata de vreme! Mai mai mult decat atat ai mai jos comunicatul de presa Mercedes Benz referitor la editia speciala prezentata in articolul de sus. Multa bafta Stelu.
3.   CP trimis de
(11 nov 2008, 09:17:43
ML 63 AMG "10th Anniversary": Exclusive high-performance SUV with particularly appealing fittings

The successful ML 63 AMG will shortly be launched as the especially exclusive "10th Anniversary" variant. The 375-kW/510-hp top M-Class model fascinates with its striking appearance and extraordinary standard features. With the ML 63 AMG "10th Anniversary", Mercedes AMG is celebrating ten years of high-performance SUVs. The ML 55 AMG with a 255-kW/347-hp AMG 5.5-l V8 engine, launched in 1999, is considered the trendsetter and founder of an entire vehicle segment.
4.   CP2 trimis de
(11 nov 2008, 09:21:42
The AMG sports seats can be adjusted electronically, and feature a multi-contour function and seat heating. A new feature is the exquisite two-tone nappa leather upholstery available in two different colour combinations: black/alpaca grey and black/beige. The AMG sports steering wheel is also two-tone, designed to match the interior colour scheme. Perforated leather covering the grip area ensures optimum handling, and the AMG switch paddles enable manual gear changing. The exclusive tone is emphasised not just by the upper part of the dashboard clad in designo leather and the black roof lining, but also the charcoal poplar wood trim.
5.   CP3 trimis de
(11 nov 2008, 09:22:29
The newly designed front end dominates the extraordinary appearance of the ML 63 AMG "10th Anniversary": the bonnet with power domes catches the eye, as does the radiator grille with fins painted Himalaya grey. A matching Himalaya grey underseal and fog lamp fittings form a delightful contrast to the exterior paintwork in metallic obsidian black, metallic iridium silver and calcite white. Shaded Bi-Xenon headlights add the finishing touch to the front view.
6.   CP4 trimis de
(11 nov 2008, 09:23:17
Viewed from the side, the exclusive 21" AMG light alloy wheels with a five-spoke design commands attention: the combination of Himalaya grey paintwork and the high-sheen surface creates a lasting impression. The 10 x 21" AMG light alloy wheels are fitted all round with size 295/35 R 21 wide-base tyres. On the rear end of the ML 63 AMG "10th Anniversary", the underseal in Himalaya grey mirrors the design of the front end.
7.   CP5 trimis de
(11 nov 2008, 09:24:14
The AMG sports seats can be adjusted electronically, and feature a multi-contour function and seat heating. A new feature is the exquisite two-tone nappa leather upholstery available in two different colour combinations: black/alpaca grey and black/beige. The AMG sports steering wheel is also two-tone, designed to match the interior colour scheme. Perforated leather covering the grip area ensures optimum handling, and the AMG switch paddles enable manual gear changing. The exclusive tone is emphasised not just by the upper part of the dashboard clad in designo leather and the black roof lining, but also the charcoal poplar wood trim.

The ML 63 AMG "10th Anniversary" will be available to order in spring 2009; the first vehicles will be delivered to customers in summer 2009.

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