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Westflex Werkt Overal

Office Manager Recruitment

WestFlexWestflex is looking for an Romanian and English speaking office manager for a new office in Suceava. The office manager is responsible for recruiting potential workers for the Dutch market. It’s an executive and coordinating job.

Job description

  • Managing administration and finance
  • Responsible for day to day operations
  • Recruiting people for our employment-agency in the Netherlands
  • Doing interviews with potential candidates
  • Keeping up to date the employee files
  • Representing and promoting the company in all kind of situations
  • Arranging paperwork and transport for employee files
  • Reporting to the manager in the Netherlands
  • Building partnerships with our head office in the Netherlands and our other offices in Romania, Moldavia, Poland, Latvia, Lithuania

What we ask (from you)

As an office manager you are a self-employed, accurate and responsible person. You are responsible for the success of Westflex employment group. You have a bachelor or masters degree. You master the Romanian and English language in writing and speaking and your mother tongue is Romanian. You have communicative and organizational skills and have an affinity with the staffing/employment industry. You are flexible and motivated and experience in working with people is a plus. Of course you are in possession of a driving license.

What we offer (you)

A competitive salary and excellent (secondary) benefits. Trainings and teambuilding abroad. Work within an international environment. Work in a stable and growing company with short lines.

Are you enthusiastic/excited about this job and do you think you are qualified? Send us your motivation letter and resumé at luiza@westflex.nl.

For more information you can contact Luiza Dobrin,

tel. +31(0)614849361

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